One "ethical eating" meetup that changes my perspective to create better world for everyone.

Picture courtesy of Anajonessy

One day, out of the blue, I saw Pando ITCC cafe posted up on “ethical dinner” meetup with #FOC entrance fee on its Instagram page. Then, I told myself why not just go there for dinner and listen to
what the meetup was all about.

Brought husband and Bree along. The session began with a short documentary.

It was Sandakan by-election that night and I had to multitask on processing statement/stories/results/
interview while watching the short film.

Little did I know my 5-year-old daughter actually putting 100 percent focus to the movie that
showcasing cruelty done to animals for the sake of providing food for human beings.

Bree saw baby cows separated had no opportunity to drink milk from their mothers; she also saw a closeup of fishes tearing after they were caught on the ships;
baby chickens kept in crowded space etc.

Her first response was “Mommy, I don’t want to eat animals…”

                                               Our dinner at Pando ITCC cafe during the talk.

Honestly, I felt guilty for being carnivorous and “heartless” eating other living animals
after the documentary.

All this while, my little family has taken baby steps to omit plastics and straws in our daily lives in the
name of so called “marine conservation”.

But,it feels like a slap on my face when the documentary indicated that plastic straw only
contributed 0.1 per cent of debris as compared to fishing nets.

“What are you talking about saving the fish with ‘no plastic/ no straw’ ...but you eventually eat them?”

Maybe for adults, being veganism would be fine. But I am not sure and don’t dare to take risk in disrupting Bree’s growth process.

Growing up with the beliefs that “God allows human beings to eat everything except own kinds”
and medical knowledge on “balanced diets’, it is hard to go “strictly veggies” only.

But, Anajonessy convinced us that there are nutrition substitution for all the non-vegan foods.

For the first four days, my little family did practice #veganism. It was quite ok although feeling
“inadequate” for eating too much veggies, but we survived. There was no temptation to have meats
on our plates.

Like I said earlier, I do have the concerns that we would have nutrition imbalances.

On day 5, we tried to have some meats. For me, I had stomach upset and insomnia at night.
Maybe I was being paranoid... But, maybe its real.

My parents also have their opinions on our change of diets...which they wished we could go moderately about it.

We came into conclusion that it will br plant-based on weekdays and some meats during weekends.


Three months after this post, a news came out on veganism actually cause harm to growing child's growth.

Toddler malnourished from veganism 

I am glad that I followed my mother instinct...but do not get me wrong, I still believe reducing meat intake will do good for animal welfare and the environment.
