Taking baby steps to become a zero waster.

As most of the people are used to using plastic for their daily convenience, any minority trying to be different will be seen as weirdos, eventhough it is the right thing to do. 

To be honest, living a zero waste life is a real hassle but it should not be an excuse not to do it at all. 

Dine-in has been our practice to avoid plastic/containers for takeaway, But, as due to to new normal practice during movement control order (March-July 2020), takeaway was the only option for everyone who decides not to cook.

Tiffin lunchbox or other reusable containers is the solution to get the food without sending more wastes to landfills.

I am guilty for ordering Grab Food which comes with containers. But when I go to the market to buy bulk raw food supply, I can actually use them to organise my fridge.

Many supermarkets in Kota Kinabalu have yet to accustome to such practice, which they have to tare the container before weigh the produce or livestocks. So, I shift to wet markets and only buy from the same vendor. I am glad that the lady always assist me in "fitting" my food into the containers. 

Earlier, I have said that while dining might reduce plastic waste, but it is not necessarily true when we eat at food court. Some are still prefer to serve food on polystyrene, thus, we brought our own container again. 
