How to get your Valentine's treat below RM100 (or even less) in Kota Kinabalu.

RM20 rose in Kota Kinabalu

                  RM20 Valentine's rose in Kota Kinabalu 

Yes, you may find something more affordable at Pick N Pay on this Valentine's day. For a rose, you may purchase it at RM20. 

Mini Valentine's cake at RM35

The store also has mini cakes- red velvet, chocolate and strawberry oreo- for you to choose from. Why would you need a big cake, when few bites of them are sweet enough.

Rose decor Valentine's cake

Maybe you shall buy a cake with roses on top of it. It is 2-in-1 for RM35. This is red velvet. 

Hokkien Mee on Valentine's lunch

Well, there are of course other ways to spend this day. Just treat your loved ones with their favourite food. 

Our Hokkien Mee for Valentine's lunch. 
