Takeaway #cappuccino from Breadboss Bakery

It feels like "civilisation" when I get the chance to have my #cappuccino fix during movement control order.

I have a very bad craving for espresso knowing that I will pass through Breadboss Bakery while enroute to my assignment at Likas Sports Complex. 

I usually dine in so that the coffeeshop wouldn't have to use paper cup for takeaway. 

Paper cup could be (or cannot be?) recycled, but it is still a waste in the end. 

Some might suggest why don't I reuse or upcycle it? I think it will be a hassle or perhaps time /space consuming? 

Solution to that?

I invested in a #bpafree collapsible coffee cup from #lifewarehouse. 

Well, I am still considered as guilty for buying new one instead of just use tumbler that I already have. 

But, because it is collapsible, it makes a perfect fit to be kept in my handbag. Therefore, there's no excuse to ask for a paper cup. 

So good to smell the aroma...
